
Learn techniques to teach the techniques of talented potters! Electric potter’s wheel experience course, in front of Lake Hamana, limited to Kanzanji Studio, pottery experience with lake water glaze

~ A fulfilling pottery experience where you can learn techniques! Finished with original glaze In our class, you will experience everything from scratch using an electric potter's wheel. In the first 30 minutes, you will learn how to sit, how to hold your stance, and how to put your weight on the chair. Then, you will learn the basics of ``how to apply force to the soil.'' After that, you are free to start making pottery. Because you can have an authentic experience, Many people come from neighboring prefectures just to experience pottery! When firing, we apply our original "lake glaze". A glaze created by the owner based on his years of experience and achievements. Wearing emerald green inspired by Lake Hamana, It will give you a beautiful finish.

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